CSFP Research Studies

  • Fire Logic
  • Fire Spread
  • Potentials
  • Dynamics
  • De-coding
  • Context
  • Processes
  • Signatures
  • Behaviour
  • Solutions
  • Hazards
  • Triggers
  • Behaviors


Once we have learned something, we can unlearn it.
But once understood, we cannot un-understand it.

  • Display & Demonstrate

    from the scientifically repeatable experiments of our studies we develop extremely effective and sustainable training opportunities in 


    these are already being used as fire service continuing education modules for training cadres & officers.

  • Developing and Designing

    the data from our studies are already being used in various feasibility studies, developments, planning and conversions of training environments and also provide the field of structural fire protection with new possibilities for experimental analysis.

  • Implement and Educate

    the implementation of basic research data and methods in the form of situation-adapted progressive & dynamic training & education content in current fire service training is part of a separate CSFP research study VII.


thermal logic, main and secondary thermal flows, fire dynamics and ventilation conditions in active isolated basement-type fire areas and the determining propagation factors (thermal logic)
active sub-study V (2023-24) preparatory WBK

Simulation Kellerbrand

in cooperation with the fire brigade inspectorate of Zurich, we are investigating under-ventilated primary and secondary fires in complex multi-storey cellars and building geometries for their risk potential for intervention forces, we are recording a variety of interacting fire phenomena and dynamics and documenting their effects on the further course of the fire and the forces and materials used in the interior attack.

the extensive thermal effects on a burning cellar system are as much a part of this study as the recognition and identification of thermal logics in the areas of fire spread and thermal distribution.

the GVZi instructor training course 2024 will be one of the outcomes of this study.


thermal chemical/physical fire phenomena & hazards in active isolated fire areas and the operation of propagation factors (thermal system transitions - thermal logic)

active research study II (2022-23) preparatory research study III & IV (2023-)

Simulation Gefahrenpotential

in cooperation with fire and rescue thun, we are investigating under-ventilated primary and secondary fires in complex multi-storey basement and building geometries with regard to their hazard potential for intervention forces, we are recording a variety of interacting fire phenomena and dynamics and documenting their effects on the further course of the fire and the forces and materials used in the interior attack.

the thermal effects of redirecting the flow of thermally processed smoke and pyrolysis gases through central stairwells are also part of this study, as are detailed measurements of volunteer emergency forces to determine the personal exposure to thermal stress.


interior attack & flue gas cooling in active cellar fires
Completed research study

Simulation Gefahrenpotential

in cooperation with the fire brigade inspectorate of lucerne, we investigate the effectiveness of standard extinguishing attacks and procedures for primary and secondary fires in complex basement and building geometries and document their possibilities but also their limitations and identify possible sources of danger and signatures.


thermal room charging and its further effects on already active and activatable fire loads
completed research study

Simulation Gefahrenpotential

In collaboration with the fire brigade inspectorate of lucerne and schutz und rettung thun, we are investigating thermal and thermodynamic room charges in primary fires in long complex cellar and corridor geometries with activatable fire loads distributed over a large area - the influence of various active or passive impulses will also be investigated.

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